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The Most Amazing Celebrities & Their Phenomenal Weight Loss Transformation

Gabourey Sidibe – 150lbs


Gabourey Sidibe is an Academy Award winninger actress who also has a Golden Globe to her credit. She made her debut in 2009 and soon became a household name. While most actors struggle with minor roles and appearances before catching their first major break, the same can’t be said for Gabourey Sidibe who landed a starring role in her first acting gig in the 2009 film Precious.

The former office receptionist turned Hollywood star revealed in 2011 that she lost an impressive 50 pounds and felt much healthier than her Precious days. The following year, rumors ran wild that Sidibe had dropped down to 150 pounds. Regardless, Sidibe is keeping off the weight and has become one of the most impressive celebrity weight loss transformations we’ve seen in Hollywood so far! Keep up the great work!

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