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How to Keep Your Team Motivated When Employees are Quitting

The key to having strong leadership is retaining good spirits and keeping your employees engaged. In the case of a turnover, it is crucial to take the necessary steps that will keep your team optimistic and stay motivated. According to research, if an employee quits the job, because of a toxic social environment, it will, in turn, affect the quitting behavior of the employees. This means that if one person leaves the job, there is a high chance the others will follow in his footsteps. Here are some strategies that will give you some ideas on how can you can keep your employees stay motivated.

Create a Solid Ground

The human brain was not built in a way to handle the amount of uncertainty people nowadays face at work and in their lives. It simply does not have this much capability. Constant changes in the business perspectives, expectations from employees and customers, work structure, and the unapparent end of the pandemic, increase the level of uncertainty in our lives. This puts your mind constantly on alert which can affect your level of motivation, cooperation, self-restraint, and overall health. Having a turnover on your team adds to this.

To cater to this, ensure that you have a certain environment for your team. By this, we mean that if someone has no intention of leaving the organization, get this message across. Or if your team needs to be cleared about a strategic direction of the company, assure them by telling them your plan to look for answers with a specific date, when they will be informed about it. This will create a stable environment for your team.

Ask for Feedbacks

Check up on your members daily to know what work they are up to. By this, you will be able to know if there is a need to cut back some of the tasks and assign them to someone else and assess the overall working capacity of your team at a given time. If your team is working close to the capacity, ask your team to help you in problem-solving. This motivates people when their opinion is asked for while drafting team goals and what they can and cannot work on.

Regular feedback from team members gives an opportunity to increase their capacity by finding out what should be given out to others or not done at all so that they have more time to increase their work value. It will also strengthen your position in the eyes of your boss if you require additional resources for your team.

Let Them Use Their Discretion

Give your team members the leverage to decide when, how, and where will they complete their tasks. When people are given the choice and freedom, they stay motivated and stay in better health. Apart from a flexible work setting, think about other things you can leave up to them. Whenever you think you can leave things in their hands, do so.

Allow Your Team to Push Back

Tell your members it is okay to say ‘no’ and inquire about deadlines. You need to be vocal about this. Repeat the message often. When the members question you, listen to them, take notice of what they said, and engage them about what can or cannot be done, deadlines, and how will you remove the hurdle for them.

Failing to do so will only result in your team keeping quiet, lowering their morale, and increasing their weariness which will result in more people leaving the company.

Protect Your Team

It gets more important to shield your team when there is more workload for the same number of people. Give them explicit decision-making standards in terms of what should be adjusted and give them the confidence to say no non-important things, when required. Be eager to support your members in keeping-off demands that seem too unrealistic to meet.

Create a Bond

Being together in handling big challenges and knowing that people are there to support really boosts up confidence. Create an environment where members jump in to help each other. This will create a sense of companionship, long-lasting friendships that go outside the workplace.

Take out time to create a bind on a personal level like celebrating each other’s birthdays, personally checking up on them before a meeting, and so on. Creating such kind of an atmosphere will stop the members from feeling of isolation which can result in exhaustion.

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